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Discover our latest job opportunities in Administration &  Back Office.

Known for providing quality candidate experience and expert solutions in international recruitment in Europe, Blu Selection offers a wide range of job opportunities from entry to executive seniority levels in various sectors.

One of the areas we are specialized in is the recruitment of multilingual Administration &  Back Office professionals in Europe. Different positions we offer in this discipline:

  • Administration Support

  • Middle Office Administrator

  • Back Office Specialist

  • Content Moderator

Oliwia Snowinska

Oliwia Snowinska


Ruby Zahira Muys

Ruby Zahira Muys


Janette Ullakko

Janette Ullakko



Jobs in Administration & Back Office

    • Porto

    Social Media Content Moderator (Italian Speaker)

    Porto is calling! We are looking for Social Media Content Moderators to join a dynamic and fast-growing team in Porto. In this role, you will ensure that the online community remains safe and engaging by monitoring and reviewing user-generated content. +++Start date: asap+++ Your responsibilities and impact as a Social Media Content Moderator will be: Reviewing and scanning content on the app Checking if it is appropriate and coincides with the platform guidelines Evaluating reported content Safeguarding the user experience Skills, qualifications and interests you need to succeed in this role: native Italian speaker + an advanced level of English holding a valid work permit for Portugal Well-developed critical thinking skills Affinity for social media A reliable and proactive approach to entrusted tasks Any previous experience in customer service or content moderation would be desirable, although not required Committed to providing high-quality, accurate information Availability to work on the weekends What’s in it for you? A full-time contract for 6 months of 40hrs/week 24/7 Monday to Sunday rotative shifts Fixed shifts in the morning (07:00 – 16:00), afternoon (14:00 – 23:00) and night (22:30 – 07:30) on a rotative schedule A package in line with the market: 950 € gross/month (14 times a year) + 200 € gross/ month (12 times a year) + 7.63 €/day meal allowance  + Private Health Insurance If you live outside Portugal: reimbursement (up to 700€) of initial flight ticket after 90 days within the company + hotel room for 28 days  If you live inside of Portugal: reimbursement of travel costs (up to 150€) after 90 days within the company  Fully paid training, professional development and career evolution Work in an international environment in a multinational company in Lisbon An interesting work environment in a modern hub with an international team Your Future Company: Started up by 2 French entrepreneurs in the year 2000, the Company has become an international Customer Experience Specialist, with a global presence and counting more than 50.000 employees. In their international hub in Lisbon, they are taking care of the customer service experiences on behalf of some of the world’s most progressive brands.

    • Porto

    Back Office Agent in Porto (Deutschsprachig)

    Suchst du nach einer Möglichkeit, im Ausland zu leben und zu arbeiten, aber Kundenservice ist nicht das, was du suchst? Wir haben eine großartige Gelegenheit im Back Office für dich. Im Herzen von Porto gelegen, sind deine Hauptaufgaben administrativer Natur und beziehen sich auf den Bereich der sozialen Medien. Du sorgst dafür, dass die Online-Community sicher und ansprechend bleibt, indem du nutzergenerierte Inhalte überwachst und überprüfst. Zusätzlicher Vorteil: Willkommensbonus von 1000€, wenn Sie am 25. Juli anfangen können.​ Deine Aufgaben und dein Einfluss als Back Office Agent werden sein: Überprüfen und Scannen von Inhalten in der App Überprüfung, ob sie angemessen sind und mit den Richtlinien der Plattform übereinstimmen Bewertung der gemeldeten Inhalte Sicherstellung der Benutzerfreundlichkeit Fähigkeiten, Qualifikationen und Interessen, die du brauchst, um in dieser Rolle erfolgreich zu sein: C1/Muttersprache Deutsch + fortgeschrittene Englischkenntnisse Ausgeprägte Fähigkeiten zum kritischen Denken Affinität zu sozialen Medien Eine zuverlässige und proaktive Herangehensweise an die übertragenen Aufgaben Frühere Erfahrungen im Kundenservice oder in der Moderation von Inhalten wären wünschenswert, sind aber keine Voraussetzung Engagement für die Bereitstellung qualitativ hochwertiger, genauer Informationen Bereitschaft zur Arbeit an den Wochenenden Was ist für dich drin? Ein Vollzeitvertrag für 6 Monate mit 40 Stunden/Woche 24/7 Montag bis Sonntag in Wechselschichten Feste Schichten am Morgen (07:00 - 16:00), am Nachmittag (14:00 - 23:00) und in der Nacht (22:30 - 07:30) nach einem Rotationsplan Ein marktgerechtes Paket: 950 € brutto/Monat (14 Mal im Jahr) + 450 € brutto/Monat (12 Mal im Jahr) + 7,63 €/Tag Essensgeld + 1000 € Willkommensbonus + Private Krankenversicherung Wenn du außerhalb Portugals wohnst: Erstattung (bis zu 700 €) des ersten Flugtickets nach 90 Tagen im Unternehmen + Hotelzimmer für 28 Tage  Wenn du innerhalb Portugals wohnst: Rückerstattung der Reisekosten (bis zu 150 €) nach 90 Tagen im Unternehmen  Vollständig bezahlte Ausbildung, berufliche Entwicklung und Karriereentwicklung Arbeit in einem internationalen Umfeld in einem multinationalen Unternehmen in Lissabon Ein interessantes Arbeitsumfeld in einem modernen Zentrum mit einem internationalen Team Dein zukünftiges Unternehmen: Das im Jahr 2000 von zwei französischen Unternehmern gegründete Unternehmen hat sich zu einem internationalen Spezialisten für Kundenerlebnisse entwickelt, der weltweit präsent ist und mehr als 50.000 Mitarbeiter zählt. In seinem internationalen Zentrum in Lissabon kümmert sich das Unternehmen im Auftrag einiger der fortschrittlichsten Marken der Welt um die Kundenerfahrungen.

    • Porto

    Back Office Agent in Porto (German Speaker)

    Are you looking for an opportunity to live and work abroad but Customer Service is not what you are looking for? We have a great opportunity in back office for you. Located in the heart of Porto, your main task are administrative and related to the fields of social media. You will ensure that the online community remains safe and engaging by monitoring and reviewing user-generated content. Your responsibilities and impact as Back Office Agent will be: Reviewing and scanning content on the app Checking if it is appropriate and coincides with the platform guidelines Evaluating reported content Safeguarding the user experience Skills, qualifications and interests you need to succeed in this role: C1/native German speaker + an advanced level of English (B2) Well-developed critical thinking skills Affinity for social media A reliable and proactive approach to entrusted tasks Any previous experience in customer service or content moderation would be desirable, although not required Committed to providing high-quality, accurate information Availability to work on the weekends What’s in it for you? A full-time contract for 6 months of 40hrs/week 24/7 Monday to Sunday rotative shifts Fixed shifts in the morning (07:00 – 16:00), afternoon (14:00 – 23:00) and night (22:30 – 07:30) on a rotative schedule A package in line with the market: 950 € gross/month (14 times a year) + 450 € gross/ month (12 times a year) + 7.63 €/day meal allowance + Private Health Insurance If you live outside Portugal: reimbursement (up to 700€) of initial flight ticket after 90 days within the company + hotel room for 28 days  If you live inside of Portugal: reimbursement of travel costs (up to 150€) after 90 days within the company  Fully paid training, professional development and career evolution Work in an international environment in a multinational company in Porto An interesting work environment in a modern hub with an international team Your Future Company: Started up by 2 French entrepreneurs in the year 2000, the Company has become an international Customer Experience Specialist, with a global presence and counting more than 50.000 employees. In their international hub in Porto, they are taking care of the customer service experiences on behalf of some of the world’s most progressive brands.

    • Lisbon

    Backoffice Ondersteuning voor Video Game Bedrijven in Lissabon

    Ben je klaar om je carrière te starten in Lissabon, Portugal? Dan hebben we een geweldige kans als Backoffice Ondersteuning. Onderhoudt de kernactiviteiten van het bedrijf, handel administratieve taken af en maak diepgaande analyses van klantgegevens. Jouw verantwoordelijkheden als Back Office Support voor Video Gaming Merk zullen zijn:  Ondersteunen van de efficiënte werking van de kernactiviteiten door administratieve en organisatorische taken te beheren Fungeren als eerste aanspreekpunt voor complexe vragen, klachten en technische problemen van klanten Diepgaande analyse van geëscaleerde gevallen, verzamelen van informatie, identificeren van hoofdoorzaken en bepalen van oplossingen Communiceren met klanten via telefoon, e-mail en chat om hen te informeren over de status en oplossingen van hun gevallen Regelmatig beoordelen van geëscaleerde gevallen om te voldoen aan bedrijfsnormen, SLA's en wettelijke vereisten Vaardigheden, kwalificaties en interesses die je nodig hebt om te slagen in deze functie:   Nederlands als moedertaal en uitstekend Engels In staat zijn om diepgaande analyses te maken van klantgegevens, zelfstandig en onder minimale supervisie kunnen werken, en nauwkeurig met veel aandacht voor details Beschikken over analytische en probleemoplossende vaardigheden, aandachtig luisteren en vaardig communiceren met mensen Energiek, innovatief en proactief werken in een hoog tempo, en enthousiast zijn over interculturele communicatie en de expat lifestyle Wonen in of bereid zijn te verhuizen naar Portugal voor een internationale carrière en levenservaring, en in het bezit zijn van een geldige Portugese werkvergunning of een nationaliteit waarmee je in een EU-land mag werken Wat zit er voor jou in? Soort contract: Contract onbepaalde tijd, 30 dagen proefperiode Kantoorbaan Voltijds (40u/week) maandag - vrijdag: 09:00-19:00 (GMT) Salarisvoorwaarden: 16.584/jaar (plus prestatiepremie) + Loyaliteitspremie: 300 euro om de 3 maanden + Prestatiepremie + Maaltijdcheques Ziektekostenverzekering na 6 maanden Betaalde professionele training Leuke en boeiende bedrijfsinitiatieven Voor internationale kandidaten: Relocatiepakket met hulp bij huisvesting in de eerste maanden en vlucht vergoeding. De hulp bij huisvesting is op maat van jouw behoeften en budget, waaronder hulp bij tijdelijke huisvesting in de eerste weken en/of het vinden van permanente huisvesting. Jouw toekomstige bedrijf: Jouw toekomstige bedrijf is een wereldwijde leider in de BPO-industrie. Met 170.000 werknemers over de hele wereld maak je deel uit van een team achter de beste ervaringen voor +750 van 's werelds toonaangevende en digital-first merken. De innovatieve oplossingen, technologie en expertise zijn ontworpen om de operationele behoeften van klanten te ondersteunen en klanten een naadloze ervaring te bieden op de momenten die er toe doen. Wat kun je verwachten van wonen in Lissabon? Een kleurrijk stadsbeeld en een rijke culturele geschiedenis Voordelen van wonen in een Europese hoofdstad met een budget Heerlijke Portugese keuken en beroemde cafécultuur Vriendelijke mensen, goede sfeer en een vrolijk stadsleven Het hele jaar door een warm klimaat en een zonnig strandleven aan de Atlantische Oceaan Een grote Engelssprekende lokale gemeenschap en internationale omgeving Solliciteer nu en geniet van een gepersonaliseerde sollicitatieprocedure waarbij je niet als een nummer gezien wordt. Krijg specifieke tips en trucs voor je cv en het sollicitatiegesprek met het aanwervende bedrijf om je kansen op de baan te vergroten.

    • Porto

    Social Media Content Moderator in Porto (Deutschsprachig)

    Porto ruft! Wir suchen Social Media Content Moderators für ein dynamisches und schnell wachsendes Team in Porto. In dieser Funktion stellst du sicher, dass die Online-Community sicher und ansprechend bleibt, indem du nutzergenerierte Inhalte überwachst und überprüfst. Zusätzlicher Vorteil: Willkommensbonus von 1000€, wenn du am 4. Juli anfangen kannst!​???? Deine Aufgaben und dein Einfluss als Sales Representative werden sein: Überprüfen und Scannen von Inhalten in der App Überprüfung, ob sie angemessen sind und mit den Richtlinien der Plattform übereinstimmen Bewertung der gemeldeten Inhalte Sicherstellung der Benutzerfreundlichkeit Fähigkeiten, Qualifikationen und Interessen, die du brauchst, um in dieser Rolle erfolgreich zu sein: C1/Muttersprache Deutsch + fortgeschrittene Englischkenntnisse Ausgeprägte Fähigkeiten zum kritischen Denken Affinität zu sozialen Medien Eine zuverlässige und proaktive Herangehensweise an die übertragenen Aufgaben Frühere Erfahrungen im Kundenservice oder in der Moderation von Inhalten wären wünschenswert, sind aber keine Voraussetzung Engagement für die Bereitstellung qualitativ hochwertiger, genauer Informationen Bereitschaft zur Arbeit an den Wochenenden Was ist für dich drin? Ein Vollzeitvertrag für 6 Monate mit 40 Stunden/Woche 24/7 Montag bis Sonntag in Wechselschichten Feste Schichten am Morgen (07:00 - 16:00), am Nachmittag (14:00 - 23:00) und in der Nacht (22:30 - 07:30) nach einem Rotationsplan Ein marktgerechtes Paket: 950 € brutto/Monat (14 Mal im Jahr) + 450 € brutto/Monat (12 Mal im Jahr) + 7,63 €/Tag Essensgeld + 1000 € Willkommensbonus + Private Krankenversicherung Wenn du außerhalb Portugals wohnst: Erstattung (bis zu 700 €) des ersten Flugtickets nach 90 Tagen im Unternehmen + Hotelzimmer für 28 Tage  Wenn du innerhalb Portugals wohnst: Rückerstattung der Reisekosten (bis zu 150 €) nach 90 Tagen im Unternehmen  Vollständig bezahlte Ausbildung, berufliche Entwicklung und Karriereentwicklung Arbeit in einem internationalen Umfeld in einem multinationalen Unternehmen in Lissabon Ein interessantes Arbeitsumfeld in einem modernen Zentrum mit einem internationalen Team Dein zukünftiges Unternehmen: Das im Jahr 2000 von zwei französischen Unternehmern gegründete Unternehmen hat sich zu einem internationalen Spezialisten für Kundenerlebnisse entwickelt, der weltweit präsent ist und mehr als 50.000 Mitarbeiter zählt. In seinem internationalen Zentrum in Lissabon kümmert sich das Unternehmen im Auftrag einiger der fortschrittlichsten Marken der Welt um die Kundenerfahrungen.

    • Porto

    Social Media Content Moderator in Porto (German Speaker)

    Porto is calling! We are looking for Social Media Content Moderators to join a dynamic and fast-growing team in Porto. In this role, you will ensure that the online community remains safe and engaging by monitoring and reviewing user-generated content. Additional Benefit: Welcome Bonus of 1000€ if you are able to start on the 25th of July. Your responsibilities and impact as Content Moderator will be: Reviewing and scanning content on the app Checking if it is appropriate and coincides with the platform guidelines Evaluating reported content Safeguarding the user experience Skills, qualifications and interests you need to succeed in this role: C1/native German speaker + an advanced level of English Well-developed critical thinking skills Affinity for social media A reliable and proactive approach to entrusted tasks Any previous experience in customer service or content moderation would be desirable, although not required Committed to providing high-quality, accurate information Availability to work on the weekends What’s in it for you? A full-time contract for 6 months of 40hrs/week 24/7 Monday to Sunday rotative shifts Fixed shifts in the morning (07:00 – 16:00), afternoon (14:00 – 23:00) and night (22:30 – 07:30) on a rotative schedule A package in line with the market: 950 € gross/month (14 times a year) + 450 € gross/ month (12 times a year) + 7.63 €/day meal allowance + 1000 € welcome bonus + Private Health Insurance If you live outside Portugal: reimbursement (up to 700€) of initial flight ticket after 90 days within the company + hotel room for 28 days  If you live inside of Portugal: reimbursement of travel costs (up to 150€) after 90 days within the company  Fully paid training, professional development and career evolution Work in an international environment in a multinational company in Lisbon An interesting work environment in a modern hub with an international team Your Future Company: Started up by 2 French entrepreneurs in the year 2000, the Company has become an international Customer Experience Specialist, with a global presence and counting more than 50.000 employees. In their international hub in Lisbon, they are taking care of the customer service experiences on behalf of some of the world’s most progressive brands.

    • Porto

    Content Moderator in Porto (German Speaker)

    Are you extremely attentive to details, a good observer and is social media more than only your passion? Do you want to make a unique and open minding experience in Lisbon? Then this might be the job for you! A booming social media network hugely relies on responsible and keen content moderators to secure the optimal user experience and safety, and this is where you come in! We are looking for a motivated, reliable, and communicative candidate to participate in moderating content for a social media platform in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. Your responsibilities and impact as Content Moderator will be: Reviewing and scanning content on the app Checking if it is appropriate and coincides with the platform guidelines Evaluating reported content Safeguarding the user experience Skills, qualifications and interests you need to succeed in this role: C1/native German speaker + an advanced level of English Well-developed critical thinking skills Affinity for social media A reliable and proactive approach to entrusted tasks Any previous experience in customer service or content moderation would be desirable, although not required Committed to providing high-quality, accurate information Availability to work on the weekends What’s in it for you? A full-time contract for 6 months of 40hrs/week 24/7 Monday to Sunday rotative shifts Fixed shifts in the morning (07:00 – 16:00), afternoon (14:00 – 23:00) and night (22:30 – 07:30) on a rotative schedule A package in line with the market: 950 € gross/month (14 times a year) + 450 € gross/ month (12 times a year) + 7.63 €/day meal allowance + 1000 € welcome bonus + Private Health Insurance If you live outside Portugal: reimbursement (up to 700€) of initial flight ticket after 90 days within the company + hotel room for 28 days  If you live inside of Portugal: reimbursement of travel costs (up to 150€) after 90 days within the company  Fully paid training, professional development and career evolution Work in an international environment in a multinational company in Lisbon An interesting work environment in a modern hub with an international team Your Future Company: Started up by 2 French entrepreneurs in the year 2000, the Company has become an international Customer Experience Specialist, with a global presence and counting more than 50.000 employees. In their international hub in Lisbon, they are taking care of the customer service experiences on behalf of some of the world’s most progressive brands.

    • Barcelona

    HR Administrator (French Speaker)

    Do you have a background in human resources or administration? Do you have excellent communication skills and a high attention to detail? Are you seeking your next career opportunity in beautiful Barcelona? We have the perfect job for you! Your responsibilities as an HR Administrator will be:  Being a general point of contact for candidates and clients Creating, issuing, and handling contracts   Managing invoices and payslips  Collaborating with various departments, regarding financial and legal issues Communicating with clients in relation to contracts, onboarding, or other general queries  Assisting any issues the candidates may have Skills, qualifications, and interests you need to succeed in this role: You have a native level of French and full professional proficiency in English You are currently based  in Barcelona (NIE + SSN) You have relevant experience in Administration and HR You are able to collaborate closely with different departments  You have high communication skills You have excellent organizational skills and attention to detail Nice to have: Bachelor’s or Master’s degree What Benefits are in it for you? Salary based on your level of experience + additional benefits (meal vouchers, life insurance, pension plan, etc.) Career growth opportunities International and multicultural environment A company with a worldwide reputation Start date: ASAP Is this project not the best fit for you? Feel free to check our other opportunities or send us your CV so we can consider you for other projects or future opportunities.

    • Barcelona

    Sachbearbeiter/in für Finanzversicherungen (Deutschsprachig)

    Du hast eine Leidenschaft für die Welt der Verwaltung? Du bist ein Zahlenfanatiker und interessierst dich für die Finanzversicherungswelt? Du bist organisiert und suchst eine neue Herausforderung in der schönen Stadt Barcelona? Dann werde der neue Backoffice-Spezialist in Barcelona für unseren Kunden!  Deine Aufgaben und dein Einfluss als Sachbearbeiter/in für Finanzversicherungen werden sein: Unterstützung von Kollegen mit Kundenkontakt bei der Interaktion als Problemlöser und Bearbeitung komplexer Probleme im Zusammenhang mit Verträgen  Gewährleistung einer schnellen Lösung von Problemen Zusammenarbeit mit Partnern und Anleitung zur Problemlösung, um Kundenzufriedenheit zu erreichen In direktem Kontakt mit Kunden stehen, um ihre Bedürfnisse zu verstehen und im Namen ihrer Bedürfnisse zu handeln Fähigkeiten, Qualifikationen und Interessen, die du brauchst, um in dieser Rolle erfolgreich zu sein: Muttersprachliche Deutschkenntnisse und gute Englisch- oder Spanischkenntnisse ​Vorteilhaft vorherige Erfahrung/Hintergrund in der Verwaltungs- oder Backoffice-Arbeit Koordiniertes, organisiertes und eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten Energisch, innovativ und proaktiv in einem schnellen Tempo arbeiten Begeisterung für interkulturelle Kommunikation und den Expatriate-Lifestyle Du lebst in Barcelona oder bist bereit, für eine internationale Karriere und Lebenserfahrung nach Barcelona umzuziehen Eine gültige spanische Arbeitserlaubnis haben (erforderlich) Was ist für dich drin? Vertrag: 3 Monate + 3 Monate + unbefristeter Vertrag Arbeitszeit: 40/Woche, Mo.–Fr. 9 – 18 Uhr Gehalt: 23.000 brutto/Jahr 28 Tage/Jahr Urlaub Arbeiten in einem stabilen und internationalen Arbeitsumfeld Arbeiten in einem schnell wachsenden Unternehmen Was dich in Barcelona erwartet? Internationale und vielfältige Kultur Eine wunderschöne Stadt am Strand, umgeben von Küstenstädten und Bergen Köstliche gastronomische Erlebnisse der spanischen, katalanischen und internationalen Küche Ein dynamisches und aktives Stadtleben, in dem es schwer ist, sich zu langweilen Sonnige Tage, mediterranes Wetter und ein entspannter Lebensstil Ein attraktives Startup- und Innovationszentrum mit spannenden Möglichkeiten​ Ist dieses Projekt nicht das Richtige für dich? Schau dir andere Möglichkeiten für deutschsprachige Mitarbeiter in Spanien an oder schicke uns deinen Lebenslauf, um für andere Projekte oder zukünftige Möglichkeiten berücksichtigt zu werden.

    • Lisbon

    Back Office Support for Video Gaming Brand (Dutch Speaker)

    Are you ready to start your career in Lisbon, Portugal? Then we have an exciting opportunity as a Back Office Support. Maintain core business operations, handle administrative tasks, and deliver deep analysis on customer data. Your responsibilities and impact working as a a Back Office Support for Video Gaming Brand will be:  Managing administrative and organizational activities to support the smooth functioning of the core business Be a first point of contact for resolving escalated customer inquiries, complaints, and technical issues Dive into escalated cases, gathering relevant information from multiple sources, analyzing data and seeking for the root causes to determine appropriate solutions and communicating with customers via phone, email, chat to understand their concerns, provide updates on the status of their cases and deliver resolutions in a timely and professional manner Conduct regular reviews and audits of escalated cases to ensure compliance with company standards, service level agreements and regulatory requirements Skills, qualifications and interests you need to succeed in this role:   A native level of Dutch and an excellent level of English Being able to deliver deep analysis on customer data  Working independently and under minimal supervision Paying great attention to detail and working accurately Having analytical and problem-solving skills Being an attentive listener, comfortable and skillful at communicating with people Being energetic, innovative and working proactively at a fast pace Excitement about intercultural communication and the expatriate lifestyle Living in or willing to relocate to Portugal for an international career and life experience Having a valid Portuguese work permit or a nationality that allows you to work in an EU-country What’s in it for you? Type of contract: Unfixed term contract, 30 days probation period Office-based job Full-time (40h/week) Monday –Friday: 09:00-19:00 (GMT) Salary conditions: 16584/year (plus performance bonus) + Loyalty Bonus: 300 euros every 3 months + Performance bonus + Meal vouchers Health insurance after 6 months  Paid professional training Fun and engaging company-wide initiatives For international candidates: Relocation package with help in accommodation of first months and flight imbursement Accommodation support customized to your needs and your budget which can include assistance with temporary accommodation in the first weeks and/or finding permanent accommodation Your Future Company: Your future company is a global leader in the BPO industry. With 170,000 employees across the globe, you will be member of a team behind the best experiences for +750 of the world’s leading and digital-first brands. The innovative solutions, technology and expertise are designed to support operational needs for clients and deliver a seamless experience to customers in the moments that matter. What should you expect from living i Lisbon? A colorful city view and a rich cultural history Pros of living in a European capital on a budget Delicious Portuguese cuisine and famous cafe culture Friendly people, good vibes and a happy-go-lucky urban life Warm climate all year and a sunny beach life next to the Atlantic A large English-speaking local community and international environment Is this project not the best fit for you? Feel free to check our other opportunities, or send us your CV to be considered for other projects or future opportunities! Apply now and enjoy a personalised recruitment process where diversity is not a Buzzword because it's normality. Get specific tips and tricks for your Resume and Interview with the hiring company to increase your chances of landing the job. #hiring #jobopening #applynow

    • Lisbon

    Remote Payment Specialist (German Speaker)

    We are seeking a passionate Payment Specialist already living or willing to relocate to Lisbon. In this role, you will ensure accurate and timely processing of payments and refunds and work together with different payment partners of one of the world's best-known technology manufacturers. If you have a keen eye for detail, strong analytical skills, and a passion for finance, this is your opportunity to make a significant impact in a fast-paced, innovative environment. Your responsibilities and impact working as a Payment Specialist will be: Primary focus is on reconciliations, supporting daily operations, customer inquiries, transaction processing, and maintaining customer files Investigate and resolve credit/debit cardholder transactions Assist in the administration of all card payment systems and processing functions Performs various clerical duties related to payment transactions Prepares customer statements as needed Resolves issues requiring in-depth investigation and/or research Continually seeks opportunities to increase speed, efficiency and accuracy. Skills, qualifications and interests you need to succeed in this role: A native level of German and a proficient level of English (B2) Being able to deliver deep analysis on customer data  Working independently and under minimal supervision Paying great attention to detail and working accurately Having analytical and problem-solving skills Being an attentive listener, comfortable and skillful at communicating with people Being energetic, innovative and working proactively at a fast pace Excitement about intercultural communication and the expatriate lifestyle Living in or willing to relocate to Lisbon for an international career and life experience What’s in it for you? Type of Contract: 12 months of renewable contract Working Hours: Full-time job (40h/week), Monday-Sunday (Rotative shifts 7 am – 12 pm) Salary conditions (*) – 2 options: Including free accommodation (shared flat, all bills included): 950-1100€ gross/month Excluding accommodation: 1300-1400€ gross/month (*) Compensation during training period if successful (from 1 to 4 weeks): 50% of your hourly wages (lower taxes) For international candidates: Reimbursement of your initial flight expenses after 9 months Airport pick up Yearly two-way flight ticket back to your home country (within the EU) Help in paperwork, opening bank account, etc. upon your arrival Free Portuguese lessons, cooking classes, sports activities, and social events organized by the company Real career opportunities in different career paths What should you expect from living in Lisbon? A colourful city view and a rich cultural history Pros of living in a European capital on a budget Delicious Portuguese cuisine and famous cafe culture Friendly people, good vibes and a happy-go-lucky urban life Warm climate all year and a sunny beach life next to the Atlantic A large English-speaking local community and international environment Your Future Company: Located in Lisbon, you will find a company that takes care of you from your career development, language skills, accommodation and to your social integration. Your prospective new employer is a multinational organisation that has been acknowledged as one of the best sales and customer service solutions provider companies in the world. Are you ready to be an added value to their international team including talents from more than 80 nationalities all over the world? Because they are looking for you! Feel free to check our other opportunities for German speakers in Spain or Portugal, or send us your CV to be considered for other projects or future opportunities.

    • Lisbon
    • €15,576

    Remote: Order Support Specialist Backoffice (Dutch Speaker)

    Discover the perfect balance between working and enjoying the sun as a Payment Specialist for a technology company in a backoffice position. Are you fluent in Dutch and do you dream of remote work in an international work environment in a breathtaking holiday destination such as Portugal? Then this opportunity is for you!  Your responsibilities and impact as Payment Specialist will be: Backoffice is the core of the role. Handling Inbound Calls from customers replying to a callback request is mandatory. Specialists perform Outbound Calls whenever applicable to clarify further information with customers. Ensuring fast and swift resolutions for problems occurding during the lifetime of a web purchase.  Liaise with partners and provide direction for issue resolution to take the customer out of the loop for complex issues.  You will receive escalations from customer facing colleagues.  Skills, qualifications and interests you need to succeed in this role: Native Dutch speaker with a fluent level of English Ability to work quickly and efficiently under deadline pressure. Proven ability to work and make decisions with minimal supervision. Very good accuracy and attention to detail, understanding that small details can make the biggest difference. As this job is directly related to order volume, flexibility is required and will occasionally involve overtime work. Working in a back-office environment with customer satisfaction in mind Knowledge of SAP is an advantage; otherwise, we can help with that. What’s in it for you? Type of contract: a long-term fixed term contract, renewable every year Working hours: full time (40h/week) Monday to Sunday, availability to work between 7am - 00:00, 8 hours a day (plus one hour for lunch/dinner), on a rotational schedule Salary conditions (*) – 2 options: Including free accommodation (shared flat, all bills included): 1040€ gross/month Excluding accommodation: 1298€ gross/month For international candidates: Reimbursement of your initial flight expenses after 3 months Help in paperwork, opening bank account, etc. upon your arrival Free Portuguese lessons, cooking classes, sports activities, and social events organized by the company Real career opportunities in different career paths (*) Compensation during training period if successful (10 days): 42.72 euros per day What should you expect from living in Lisbon? A colourful city view and a rich cultural history Pros of living in a European capital on a budget Delicious Portuguese cuisine and famous cafe culture Friendly people, good vibes and a happy-go-lucky urban life Warm climate all year and a sunny beach life next to the Atlantic A large English-speaking local community and international environment Your Future Company: Located in Lisbon, you will find a company that takes care of you from your career development, language skills, accommodation and to your social integration. Your prospective new employer is a multinational organisation that has been acknowledged as one of the best sales and customer service solutions provider companies in the world. Are you ready to be an added value to their international team including talents from more than 80 nationalities all over the world? Because they are looking for you! Is this project not the best fit for you? Feel free to check our other opportunities for Dutch speakers in Spain or Portugal, or send us your CV to be considered for other projects or future opportunities.

    • Barcelona

    HR Medewerker in Barcelona (Nederland Sprekend)

    Ben jij bekend in de wereld van human resources of administratie? Blink je uit in communicatie en heb je oog voor detail? Zoek je naar een nieuwe uitdaging in het zonnige Barcelona? Dan hebben wij dé baan voor jou! Je verantwoordelijkheden als HR Administrator zullen zijn:  Fungeren als het eerste aanspreekpunt voor kandidaten en klanten Contracten opstellen, uitvoeren en afhandelen   Facturen en salarisadministratie beheren  Samenwerken met verschillende afdelingen, met de focus op financiële en juridische zaken Communiceren met klanten over contracten, onboarding en algemene vragen  Assisteren bij eventuele problemen van kandidaten Vaardigheden, kwalificaties en interesse die je nodig hebt om te slagen in deze functie: Vloeiend in Nederlands, met een goede beheersing van het Engels Je bent momenteel gevestigd in Barcelona (NIE + SSN), uitzonderingen mogelijk Interesse in administratie en HR, ervaring is een pluspunt Je bent een goede teamspeler met sterke communicatieve vaardigheden  Uitstekende organisatorische skills en oog voor detail Het liefst een Bachelor- of Masterdiploma gerelateerd aan Business Administratie  Wat zijn de voordelen voor jou? Salaris op basis van je ervaringsniveau + bijkomende voordelen (maaltijdcheques, levensverzekering, pensioenplan, enz.) Doorgroeimogelijkheden Internationale en multiculturele omgeving Een bedrijf met een wereldwijde reputatie Startdatum: z.s.m Past dit project niet bij jou? Bekijk dan gerust onze andere mogelijkheden of stuur ons je CV om in aanmerking te komen voor andere projecten of toekomstige kansen.

    Remote: Technische Klantenservice Specialist (Nederlands Sprekend)

    Wil jij een perfecte balans vinden tussen werk en ontspanning onder de zon als Technisch Klanten Specialist voor een technologiebedrijf? Ben jij vloeiend in het Nederlands en droom je van een internationale werkomgeving in een adembenemende vakantiebestemming zoals Athene, Griekenland? Dan is deze kans iets voor jou! Jouw verantwoordelijkheden en impact als Technisch Klantspecialist zullen zijn: Het beantwoorden van inkomende klantvragen Identificeren van problemen en effectieve oplossingen bieden om klanttevredenheid te garanderen Nauwkeurig vastleggen van klantgegevens in het CRM-systeem Ad-hoc ondersteuning bieden indien nodig Een teamspeler zijn en samenwerken voor het succes van het team en het project De vaardigheden, kwalificaties en interesses die je nodig hebt om te slagen in deze rol zijn: Nederlands op minimaal C1 niveau met een goed niveau Engels Je bent zeer betrouwbaar, aanpasbaar, een snelle leerling en hebt sterke probleemoplossende vaardigheden Zelfstandig en proactief om vanuit huis te werken Snel kunnen leren en bereid zijn nieuwe vaardigheden te ontwikkelen EU-burgerschap of geldige werkvergunning voor Griekenland is vereist Wat zit er voor jou in? Een fulltime baan, 40 uur per week, volledig vanuit huis (moet zich in de buurt van Athene bevinden) Salaris: 1300€ bruto per maand x 14 salarissen per jaar + prestatiegerelateerde bonus tot €250 per maand Planning: beschikbaar om in roterende diensten te werken van maandag tot zondag tussen 10:00 en 19:00 uur Een compleet verhuispakket voor niet-lokale kandidaten, inclusief: Vliegticket naar Athene Hotelaccommodatie voor 4 weken met ontbijt Hulp bij het vinden van een flat + makelaarskosten betaald door het bedrijf Andere voordelen: vouchers, kortingen, gratis Griekse lessen, evenementen, uitstapjes en feesten het hele jaar door Jouw toekomstige bedrijf: In Athene vind je een bedrijf dat voor je zorgt op het gebied van loopbaanontwikkeling, taalvaardigheid, accommodatie en sociale integratie. Jouw toekomstige werkgever is een multinationale organisatie die erkend wordt als een van de beste leveranciers van verkoop- en klantenservice oplossingen ter wereld. Ben jij klaar om een toegevoegde waarde te zijn voor hun internationale team met talenten van meer dan 80 nationaliteiten over de hele wereld? Want zij zijn op zoek naar jou!

    • Barcelona

    Senior HR and Payroll Specialist (Dutch & English Speaker)

    Are you a senior experienced in Dutch Payroll? Do you want to join our client and be part of their international team in Barcelona? Your responsibilities and impact as a Senior HR and Payroll Specialist: Knowledgeable in Dutch payroll regulations  Process monthly payroll accurately on time Aware of payroll processes such as calculation of salaries, bonuses, overtime and deduction according to company policies.  Aware of payroll taxes, social security contributions to process accurately Handle payroll related queries from employees  Liaise with pension administrator for pension contributions and obligations Assist other international teams with payroll Be part of onboarding and onboarding procedures for new and departing employees Assist with visa and migration related tasks  Handle employee queries HR related such as policies, benefits and procedures Stay up to date to Dutch Labour Laws, Tax regulations and other legislation affecting HR and payroll processes Handle yearly audits and compliance reviews  Be the main point of contact for employees and clients  Skills, experience and interests you need to succeed in this role: BsC in HR, Business Administration or related field  Proven track record of at least 3 years experience in dutch HR and payroll processing  Understanding Dutch employment laws, tax regulations and immigration policies Experienced in working in international recruitment adhering to visa applications  Experienced in working in an international environment  Great attention to detail and accuracy  Excellent interpersonal skills and communication Ability to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment Fluent in Dutch and English  What Benefits are in it for you? Competitive salary and performance-based incentives Hybrid work format with flexible office and remote work options. Opportunities for professional development and career advancement Be part of an international renowned company Your Future Company Our client is a fast growing umbrella company. They support business management, from tax and payroll to contract negotiation to private health insurance. Join their team and play a key role in ensuring accurate and compliant payroll processing for the Dutch employees and be based in sunny Barcelona!

    • Barcelona

    Content Reviewer - Afternoon Shift (Norwegian Speaker)

    Do you pay attention to detail, have a big interest in social media and want to work with improving and making sure social media is safe for its users? Are you interested in working abroad and gaining professional experience?  We are now looking for a Norwegian Content Reviewer to work with moderating one of the biggest social media platforms of this generation. Your responsibilities and impact as a content reviewer will be: Reviewing and scanning content on the app. Checking if it is appropriate and coincides with the platform guidelines. Evaluating reported content. Safeguarding the user experience. Skills, qualifications and interests you need to succeed in this role: C1/native Norwegian speaker + proficiency in English (C1) Well-developed critical thinking skills Affinity for social media A reliable and proactive approach to entrusted tasks Any previous experience in customer service or content moderation would be desirable, although not required Committed to providing high-quality, accurate information Availability to work on the weekends and night shifts. What´s in it for you? 25 days of holidays per year. Competitive salary. Health insurance discount. A full-time position - 39h/week. Fixed afternoon shifts from 16h to 00h, 100% office-based 2 weekends off per month. What should you expect from living in Barcelona? The unique experience of an international and diverse culture A beautiful beach city surrounded by both coastal towns and mountains Delightful gastronomic experiences of Spanish, Catalan, and World cuisines Quite a dynamic and active urban life where it is difficult to get bored Sunny days, Mediterranean weather, and a relaxed lifestyle An attractive start-up and innovation hub with exciting opportunities Your future company: This fast-growing multinational company has more than 50.000 employees helping over 500 globally acknowledged brands to provide a first-rate customer service experience. Combining technology with a human touch they achieved a worldwide presence and credibility in the outsourcing scene. They are welcoming new talents to join them in their office in Barcelona.Feel free to check our other opportunities in Customer Service in Barcelona or send us your CV to be considered for other projects or future opportunities.

    • Barcelona

    Content Reviewer - Night Shift (Norwegian Speaker)

    Do you pay attention to detail, have a big interest in social media and want to work with improving and making sure social media is safe for its users? Are you interested in working abroad and gaining professional experience?  We are now looking for a Danish Content Reviewer to work with moderating one of the biggest social media platforms of this generation. Your responsibilities and impact as a content reviewer will be: Reviewing and scanning content on the app. Checking if it is appropriate and coincides with the platform guidelines. Evaluating reported content. Safeguarding the user experience. Skills, qualifications and interests you need to succeed in this role: C1/native level of Norwegian + proficiency in English (C1) Well-developed critical thinking skills Affinity for social media A reliable and proactive approach to entrusted tasks Any previous experience in customer service or content moderation would be desirable, although not required Committed to providing high-quality, accurate information Availability to work on the weekends and night shifts. What´s in it for you? Work from home. 25 days of holidays per year. Competitive salary. Health insurance discount. A full-time position - 39h/week. Fixed night shifts from 00h to 8h00. 2 weekends off per month. What should you expect from living in Barcelona? The unique experience of an international and diverse culture A beautiful beach city surrounded by both coastal towns and mountains Delightful gastronomic experiences of Spanish, Catalan, and World cuisines Quite a dynamic and active urban life where it is difficult to get bored Sunny days, Mediterranean weather, and a relaxed lifestyle An attractive start-up and innovation hub with exciting opportunities Your future company: This fast-growing multinational company has more than 50.000 employees helping over 500 globally acknowledged brands to provide a first-rate customer service experience. Combining technology with a human touch they achieved a worldwide presence and credibility in the outsourcing scene. They are welcoming new talents to join them in their office in Barcelona. Feel free to check our other opportunities in Customer Service in Barcelona or send us your CV to be considered for other projects or future opportunities.

    • Lisbon

    Video Content Moderation (German Speaker)

    Great opportunity in Lisbon as a Video Content Moderator for a leading social media platform. In this role, you'll play a crucial part in reviewing and moderating user-generated content, ensuring it aligns with community guidelines and standards. If you're detail-oriented, culturally aware, and eager to contribute to creating a better online space, this is your chance! Your responsibilities and impact working as a Video Content Moderator will be: Reviewing various types of content (videos, images, text, and audio) in accordance with policies. Classifying the typology of content (videos, images, text, and audio) based on established processes and policies. Responding to customer inquiries related to Trust & Safety actions, including abuse reports and enforcement appeals. Ensuring user and brand safety through effective content moderation practices. Disclaimer: Please be aware that these tasks involve extensive exposure to sensitive content, including vulgar content, violence, pornography, and fake news. Skills, qualifications and interests you need to succeed in this role: A native-level proficiency in German and a minimum B2 level of English A valid Portuguese work permit (required) Living in or willing to relocate to Lisbon for an international career and life experience Keeping up-to-date with social media trends and practices Resilience to sensitive content, demonstrating emotional maturity and professional detachment Motivation and commitment to perform the assigned tasks effectively Excitement about intercultural communication and embracing the expatriate lifestyle What’s in it for you? Type of contract: Unfixed term contract, 30 days probation period Working hours: full time (40h/week) Monday- Sunday 8:00-20:00  Salary conditions: 1,450 € gross/month + 100€/month retention bonus + 300 € loyalty bonus every 3 months + 3,000 € signings bonus + performance bonus 120 € from 4th full month Health insurance provided from the beginning Paid professional training Employee discounts Fun and engaging company-wide initiatives Excellent work culture For international candidates: Up to 200 € for the cost of a travel ticket (reimbursement after 3 months upon evidence of travel ticket) Up to 400 € for accommodation/ months for 4 months Accommodation support customized to your needs and your budget which can include assistance with temporary accommodation in the first weeks and/or finding permanent accommodation Your Future Company: Your future company is a global leader in the BPO industry. With 170,000 employees across the globe, you will be member of a team behind the best experiences for +750 of the world’s leading and digital-first brands. The innovative solutions, technology and expertise are designed to support operational needs for clients and deliver a seamless experience to customers in the moments that matter. What should you expect from living in Lisbon? A colorful city view and a rich cultural history Pros of living in a European capital on a budget Delicious Portuguese cuisine and famous cafe culture Friendly people, good vibes and a happy-go-lucky urban life Warm climate all year and a sunny beach life next to the Atlantic A large English-speaking local community and international environment Is this project not the best fit for you? Feel free to check our other opportunities for German speakers in Spain or Portugal, or send us your CV to be considered for other projects or future opportunities!

    • Lisbon

    Social Media Content Moderation (German Speaker)

    Are you passionate about ensuring a safe and enriching online experience for users worldwide? Do you thrive in a dynamic environment where every day brings new challenges and opportunities? If so, we have a great opportunity to start your career as Social Media Content Moderator in one of Europe's most vibrant cities - Lisbon. Your responsibilities and impact working as a Social Media Content Moderator will be: Reviewing various types of content (videos, images, text, and audio) in accordance with policies. Classifying the typology of content (videos, images, text, and audio) based on established processes and policies. Responding to customer inquiries related to Trust & Safety actions, including abuse reports and enforcement appeals. Ensuring user and brand safety through effective content moderation practices. Disclaimer: Please be aware that these tasks involve extensive exposure to sensitive content, including vulgar content, violence, pornography, and fake news. Skills, qualifications and interests you need to succeed in this role: A native-level proficiency in German and a minimum B2 level of English A valid Portuguese work permit (required) Living in or willing to relocate to Lisbon for an international career and life experience Keeping up-to-date with social media trends and practices Resilience to sensitive content, demonstrating emotional maturity and professional detachment Motivation and commitment to perform the assigned tasks effectively Excitement about intercultural communication and embracing the expatriate lifestyle What’s in it for you? Type of contract: Unfixed term contract, 30 days probation period Working hours: full time (40h/week) Monday- Sunday 8:00-20:00  Salary conditions: 1,450 € gross/month + 100€/month retention bonus + 300 € loyalty bonus every 3 months + 3,000 € signings bonus + performance bonus 120 € from 4th full month Health insurance provided from the beginning  Paid professional training Employee discounts Fun and engaging company-wide initiatives Excellent work culture For international candidates: Up to 200 € for the cost of a travel ticket (reimbursement after 3 months upon evidence of travel ticket) Up to 400 € for accommodation/ months for 4 months Accommodation support customized to your needs and your budget which can include assistance with temporary accommodation in the first weeks and/or finding permanent accommodation Your Future Company: Your future company is a global leader in the BPO industry. With 170,000 employees across the globe, you will be member of a team behind the best experiences for +750 of the world’s leading and digital-first brands. The innovative solutions, technology and expertise are designed to support operational needs for clients and deliver a seamless experience to customers in the moments that matter. What should you expect from living in Lisbon? A colorful city view and a rich cultural history Pros of living in a European capital on a budget Delicious Portuguese cuisine and famous cafe culture Friendly people, good vibes and a happy-go-lucky urban life Warm climate all year and a sunny beach life next to the Atlantic A large English-speaking local community and international environment Is this project not the best fit for you? Feel free to check our other opportunities for German speakers in Spain or Portugal, or send us your CV to be considered for other projects or future opportunities!

    • Lisbon

    Video Content Analyst (Norwegian Speaker)

    Are you interested in social media? Do you like to watch small videos? If the answer is yes, then you must start your career in a globally present organization working as a Video Content Analyst. Do you want to learn more about social media regulation, digital freedom of speech, internal controls or maybe even learn about EU policy making? Apply now, and start your career supporting this exciting team! Your responsibilities and impact working as a Video Content Analyst will be: Reviewing content (videos, image, text, and audio) in accordance with policies Classifying the typology of the content (videos, image, text and audio) in accordance with the processes and policies Responding to customer inquiries regarding Trust & Safety actions, such as abuse reports and enforcement appeals Ensuring user and brand safety Being able to provide services on a 24/7 shift rotation Disclaimer: Please note that these tasks involve extensive exposure to sensitive content, including but not limited to vulgar content, violence, pornography and fake news. Skills, qualifications and interests you need to succeed in this role: A native level of Norwegian and a good level of English Keeping up to date with Social Media trends Politically fit Being motivated and committed in your work Excitement about intercultural communication and the expatriate lifestyle Living in or willing to relocate to Lisbon for an international career and life experience Holding a valid Portuguese work permit or a nationality that allows you to work in an EU-country  (required) What's in it for you? Pleasant and inspiring working atmosphere Opportunity to be part of a rapidly expanding global organization with irreproachable reputation Professional development and clear career path Training & development opportunities Competitive salary & relocation allowance and assistance* Free fruit, coffee, tea and water and a lot more! Your Future Company: Working in sunny Lisbon at one of the world's leading professional services companies operating in the technological and digital field. Your prospective new employer is a diverse community of more than 300.000 people working together. The team is caring and supportive and believes in continuous improvement to take their careers to new places. On top of that, it's a diverse environment seeking the highest level of equality. Feel free to check our other opportunities for German speakers in Portugal or send us your CV to be considered for other projects or future opportunities